Time Management

Productivity isn't about doing more things.

It's about doing the right things.

Productivity and time management go hand in hand.

Take action.

Choose courage over comfort.

It takes time.

The best book I’ve come across as far as managing your own time is Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. Time Management. We’ve recommended it to several people and folks have had nothing but great feedback.

When you look at time management or productivity in your life, forget tactics and tricks. Instead, develop a strategy from the outset.

Strategy is crucial. Aside from making many more thousands by employing one, you will have better “peace of mind.”

Furthermore, work becomes enjoyable…I daresay, “fun!”

Block your time.

All-time great copywriter, Gene Schwartz, employed a 33:33 strategy. Thirty-three minutes and thirty-three seconds to complete his tasks. It worked for him.

I like chunking it all out in half-hour blocks. 30 minutes. This is something I learned from reading Dan Kennedy. It is also an effective strategy used by my friend Rafe Juarez.

To each his own.

My biggest “tip” in the solo-preneur world is to “Just Start.” Create your own strategy. If that strategy falters, re-evaluate it.

Develop new strategies if necessary.

Do not depend on little tricks to do your work. You do the work. Let the tactics you learn (or develop) help you execute your strategy.

Ours is a life of constant preparation. We must test our methods, check our strategy…and do the work.

Don’t simply think about the next thing you might do. Develop a plan. Work the strategy. Become a resounding success.

If time management is something you struggle with, see if we can help you.